IDC Report

At the request of the "Trust Aunties" a 10 year Community Renewal Program Partnership between the Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust and Government commenced in 2005. The State Department of Justice under the leadership of Penny Armytage developed a whole of Government committment to a 10 year renewal program. To facilitate community participation and engagement in the planning of the renewal program an Inter-Departmental Committee comprising Heads of Departments and senior public servants as well as Trust residents meets quarterly to monitor the process of the Renewal Program.

These Inter-Departmental Committee meetings are held at the Trust with an open invitation to all Trust residents to attend the meetings are Chaired by Penny Armytage. A summary of discussions of these meetings are recorded and prepared by the Department of Justice and distributed at the following Committee meeting.

For further information regarding the Inter-Departmental Committee and meeting dates for future meetings plaese contact:
Cynthia Lim
Manager, Community Developmwent Program.
Lake Tyers Community Renewal Project, Koori Justice Unit,
Level 20, 121 Exhibition Street, Melbourne
PO Box 5223 Melbourne, Vic, 3001
Phone: (03) 8684 1734
Fax: (03) 8684 1726
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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